On April 11th, I wrote about The Christian Family
Tree which has many branches and Jesus Christ as the root. I am again attaching a copy of the diagram
that does a very good job of illustrating this.
I want to credit the source, Rev. Nathan L. Bostian, 2014.
I have been asked to write additional thoughts following up
from my original post. On reflection on
want to consider where they church is going in this first part of the 21st
Century. This may be a case of a fool
rushing in where angels fear to tread.
However, I have thought of myself as something of a fool being born on
April Fool's Day, so here goes.
I believe that the church, and probably all of society, is
in an a between time. The world seems to
have no firm foundation. The mainline religions such as Anglicanism seem to be
dying or at least if not dying then going through a reordering of how it will
be the church. Many main-line congregations
in Canada are closing and parishioners are getting older and not being replaced
in sufficient numbers to sustain
congregations that have existed for many years. One of my congregations, a small rural
church, celebrated its 150th anniversary some years ago and closed a
few years later. There have been many
parishes or congregations that have closed in our Diocese in recent years. This is due to changes in Canadian culture
due to many factors including population shifts from rural to urban centres,
secularism, the age of enlightenment, and much more. There has been speculation that the survival
of the church, at least as we know it, is in doubt.
I do not believe that the survival of the church is in
doubt. However, the form of the church
is. I don’t believe anyone can predict
with certainty what the church will look like.
There have been many books written about this by many people who are
wiser than I and possibly by a few people who are not. Harvey Cox, one who is definitely wiser than
I, has delved into this. You may
remember him from his book, The Secular
City, which was something of a sensation in the 1960s. His most recent
book, The Future of Faith, came to
mind when I was considering this question.
It was published in 2009 and I read it around that time. Cox proposes that Christian history can be
divided in three periods or perhaps ages.
The first is the Age of Faith; I might suggest calling it the Age of
Experience. This was a relatively short
period which included the first century Christians beginning with Jesus and his
immediate disciples. As Cox states, “To
be a Christian meant to live in the Spirit, embrace his hope, and to follow him
in the work that he began” (5).
The second period is the Age of Belief. This age began a few generations after Christ
and lasted about 1500 years (I would contend more like 1900). This period saw the institutionalization of
the church. It can also be called the Age
of Doctrine. We are still experiencing
the death, as the death-throes of this age with modernity and post-modernity
takes a firm hold of the culture. Cox notes, “It was already comatose when the
European Union chiselled the epitaph on its tombstone in 2005 by declining to
mention the word “Christian” in its constitution” (7).
The third period proposed by Cox is the Age of the
Spirit. This is the age that we have begun
to experience. Cox identifies three
characteristics of spirit or spirituality.
First, it is a form of protest against formal, organized religion. Second it is an attempt to express the awe
and wonder of creation. Third, it
recognizes the porous boundaries between the different branches of the
Christian Family Tree and I might add other religions. Cox sees this movement as looking forward
rather than back to the past.
I agree with Cox that we seem to be entering an age of the
Spirit. The image that came to me when I
was considering this is Holy Saturday; that time between Jesus’ death and
resurrection. We are in an in-between
time when the Age of Doctrine is dying and the Age of the Spirit is being
born. Both death and birth can involve
pains and uncertainty. I think many
Christians are experiencing both the death pains and the birth pains of the
religions we are part of.
The challenge of the Age of the Spirit is just that―pain and uncertainty. We can’t say that we weren’t given a heads
up, “The wind blows where it chooses, and you hear the sound of it, but you do not
know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born
of the Spirit” (John 3:8). The Spirit
is not generally embraced by organized religion. I sometimes refer to the Third Person of God
as the Rodney Dangerfield of the Trinity; it don’t get no respect. This is because it is unpredictable; it does
blow where is chooses and we cannot control it as much as we would desperately
want to. Jesus did tell us what to
expect but we didn’t truly believe him, “And I will ask the Father, and he will
give you another Advocate, to be with you for ever. This is the Spirit of
truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows
him, “You know him, because he abides with you, and he will be in you” (John
14:16-17). The church and the world
still does not seem to be ready to receive it two thousand years later.
To live in uncertain times in indeed challenging and these
times are very uncertain given the state of the church and the state of the
world. We live in the Shadow of Trumpism
of which Donald trump is more a symptom than a cause. I propose that Anglicans need to add to the Three
Pillars of scripture, tradition and reason.
We need to add a fourth; discernment.
We need to learn how to better discern where the Spirt is leading us and
to discern how we can best embrace it within our current way of being
church. This is by no means easy; but
whoever told you being a Christian is easy. Actually, Jesus did say my yoke is easy and my
burden is light so I guess that, easy or not, it is a challenge that is
definitely worth it.
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