Tuesday, 19 May 2020

Who Is My Neighbour in the Time of COVID-19

What is the Christian response to what can be considered the next stage of the Corona Virus?  We are entering a stage in which the self isolation, thank God, is beginning to be relaxed and we are able to take small steps forward into what may be the new normal in our lives – at least until a vaccine is developed.  We will begin to interact more with others.  Some stores and other facilities are beginning to open to the public, albeit with social distancing rules in place. 

One aspect of this new stage is the wearing of masks.  The message on this has been somewhat less than straight forward since the beginning of what can be called the time of COVID.  Whether you wear a mask or not when you are in these - now new - situations whenever you encounter others.  Should I wear one or should I just maintain strict social distancing – keeping that Canadian perspective of a hockey stick distance from other people.  Is there a particular Christian perspective on this question?

Let’s look at the factors we might consider in addressing this question.  First, it is important to remember that you wear a mask to protect other people – it will do little if anything to protect the wearer from the Corona Virus.  If you are infected it will reduce and, hopefully stop, the spread of droplets to other people you may be in Contact with.  Second, it is important to remember that you can be infectious even if you are asymptomatic i.e. have no symptoms.  On the other hand, wearing a mask can be inconvenient.  It can be uncomfortable and if you wear glasses, as I do, the glasses tend to fog up when you wear them.  And some people might even think that they look silly if other people around them – hopefully at least a hockey stick away – are not wearing one.  I think many of us do not like to be the odd-person-out in a group – after all, what would they think about me?

The primary consideration here is, I believe, that as Christians we are called to love one another and particularly to love our neighbours as ourselves.  We can show our love for our neighbours by following all the guidelines in this new stage of dealing with the Corona Virus and specifically by wearing a mask when we are in situation where we come into contact with others.  Others may think we are being silly and overly cautious and it might be a bit inconvenient but it is one way in which we can love our neighbours as ourselves.

Take a mask and use it on your journey.

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