This morning, I tackled the weeds in the Labyrinth at our cottage. The weeds seem to be taking over this year and every time I turn my back there are more of them. You have to wonder why Mother Nature makes weeds such hardy plants that seem to thrive in even the harshest conditions? In any case, I rather enjoy whacking them with my whipper snipper – it is satisfying work.
experience brought to mind a parable of the wheat and the weeds in the Gospel
of Matthew which can be found here if you want to refresh your memory,
In the parable,
Jesus tells of a field which has been sown with good seeds – wheat. In
the night, these things seem to often happen at night, the enemy comes and sows
weeds among the wheat. The owner of the field – the master – decides to
not have the weeds pulled up by his ‘slaves’. I wonder how many gardeners
would like to have someone to do the weeds pulling? In any case, he
declines the suggestion of the slave to pull the weeds because the wheat might
also be pulled up in the process. Now, I can certainly relate to that
because Lorna does not trust me to weed her garden because I would most likely
pull up some of the good plants as well. Sometimes ignorance is bliss or
at least a good excuse to avoid things.
So, what do
we make of the parable about not pulling up the weeds because some good plants
will be pulled with them? This could make a radical approach to
gardening. However, I don’t think that was what Jesus had in mind – at
least not literally. A parable by its nature, wants to surprize and
encourage the listener or reader to approach a situation in a fresh way.
Let’s consider the wheat and weeds as an aspect of ourselves, after all,
Jesus was concerned about the souls of the people he came into contact
with. If the weeds are aspects of ourselves that we don’t like or those
things in us that are not acceptable, the natural reaction is to pull them up
and get rid of them. As with weeds, however, every gardener knows they
aren’t really gone – they will return and they seem to thrive under every and
any condition.
The human
equivalent of trying to pull up the weeds – unwanted aspects of ourselves, will
not get rid of them. Those flaws and faults we know are in us will not be
gone if we try and pull them up. This is actually trying to deny them and
push them out of conscious awareness. So, what is the alternative?
What does it mean to let them grow along with the wheat? Well, it means
that we have to stop striving for perfection. I have struggled with the
idea of trying to be perfect. Christians have been told implicitly and
explicitly that we are to be perfect - it says so in the bible in
the Gospel of Matthew (5: 48). This is traditionally translated as ‘Be
perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect’. However, an alternate translation is
‘Be all-embracing, as your heavenly Father is all-embracing.”
When we strive for perfection, any imperfection is
unacceptable and therefore something that we have to deny in ourselves.
We have to attempt to pull up the weeds and get rid of them. We have to
acknowledge them and realize they are part of us and once we do that, we can
realize that God knows us better than we know ourselves and despite this God
loves us. Does that mean that we just accept our faults and whatever they
are we say its okay and let it rip? No, we need to acknowledge our faults
and weaknesses and learn to love ourselves and to love our neighbours.
Richard Rohr address just this point:
To accept
this teaching doesn’t mean we can say, “It’s okay to be selfish, violent, and
evil.” It simply means that we have some realism about ourselves and each
other. We have to name the weed as a weed. We can’t just pretend it’s all
wheat, all good, because it isn’t. We’re not perfect. Our countries are not
perfect. The Church is not perfect. The project of learning how to love—which
is our only life project—is quite simply learning to accept this.
Be blessed
on your journey to acknowledge the weeds in yourself and others.
I acknowledge that we are on Turtle Island, the original
homelands of the many Indigenous Nations who have lived since time immemorial
in Canada or as many First and other Indigenous Nations
All of the lands in Canada are the subject of up to one hundred Treaties signed
by the Crown in the right of Canada with these Nations.
I will only mention a few of the Nations: the Cree,
Ojibway, Blackfoot, Blood, Dakota, Mig M'ag, Huron, Inuit and these lands are
also home to the Metis people.
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