Tuesday, 26 September 2023

Sowing Seeds Today for Tomorrow

I had decided that today that I would write about planting seeds for the future.  Low and behold the Society of St, John the Evangelist (SSJE) word for today (Brother Give Us a Word) is just that “seed”.  Here is the offering for today. 


The desire to meet Jesus directly is a good and healthy desire. It is a healthy desire to cultivate, day after day, with the seeds of prayer and work. The good news is that Jesus is already available. If you feel the desire to meet Jesus directly, that means he is already calling you. God is already at work inside of you. Br. Jack Crowley, SSJE


I don’t know if this is a coincidence or a case of synchronicity.  However, I am glad that it confirmed for me that this should be the subject of today’s musings.

So, the question arises, what are we going to plant today that we want to harvest tomorrow for the world we want?  I suggest that you consider planting four seeds that each represent a value which you would like to see bloom and grow and become the crop which will help the world become the one we want for ourselves and the next generations.  I chose four seeds as four is the number of wholeness and completion.  Each seed can represent a quality that you want to care for and see bloom into something wonderful in your life and the life of the world.  As Br. Jack states, “a healthy decide to cultivate, day after day.”  These can be values and characteristics that you want to cultivate in yourself as that is always the place to start. 

The four seeds that I want to plant and cultivate are, peace, joy, hope and love.  I will incorporate these values into my daily prayers and in my relationships with others.  I am not suggesting that this is easy but remember that the longest journey begins with a single step, however small. 

May you be blessed to plant seeds on your journey. 


1 comment:

  1. I will try today and always to plant these seeds!
