Tomorrow, I will be facilitating a dream group in an event sponsored by Dreamwork Canada. If you are interested, you can find more information at We will be using a group process of exploring dreams which I was trained in with the Haden Institute. In this process we consider dreams to be God’s Forgotten Language.
Dreams are a way in which God “speaks” to us. However, our culture has lost the knowledge that
God is communicating with us through our
dreams. In the case of dreams and in many
of the other ways in which God speaks to us, we no longer understand how God is
speaking to us or even that God is speaking to us. God does speak to us in many different ways
and in many modes. In the case of dreams,
God uses the language of metaphor and symbols.
By exploring the images in dreams and treating
them as metaphors and symbols, we can unpack the message and meaning contained
in the dream.
Our culture generally does not appreciate the value that
dreams bring to each of us. We maintain
that dream come in the service of health and wholeness of the dreamer and of
society. As a Christian, I have faith
that dreams are used by God to help us become the people that God intends us to
be. However, even if you don’t believe this,
dreams can still be understood as necessary and beneficial for our health and
wholeness and will enable us to live life more fully.
If you would like to explore what dreams can say to you, the
best way to begin is to record you dreams by writing them down i.e. keep a
dream journal. That will assist you in
remembering your dreams which can be a challenge for many people. Look at the images in the dream and begin to explore
the images by identifying the associations you have with that image. For instance, if it is a building, what kind
of a building is it – a house, a school, a government building. What is the purpose of the building and what
kind of activity might occur in the building.
Look for the ‘aha’ moment when the meaning is revealed in this
There are many books which can help you on this journey into
the world of dreams. Many sources are
available on the internet but as with all information of the internet, be careful
not to be led down rabbit holes. A good
place to start is the Dreamwork Canada web site which has resources listed and
information on upcoming events where you can gain experience with working with
I will close with the prayer we use when working with dreams
in our group process.
Holy Dream Maker,
Creator of All,
Be with us as we
open our hearts and minds
to the divine
wisdom in our dreams.
We thank you and
honour You.
As you guide us in
the way to health and wholeness,
may we be open to
the blessings of your message.
May you be blessed to know the meaning of your dreams on
your journey.
Beautifully spoken. As a Christian believer, l too, think God can speak to us through our dreams.