Was there anything
in the Gospel reading that was a surprise for you? Everyone here knows that we have gathered here
today to celebrate the empty tomb. Jesus
Christ is risen today; Hallelujah. In fact I invite you to join with me in that
wonderful declaration: Jesus Christ is risen today; Hallelujah.
That being said was
there anything contained in the reading that surprized you? One of the principles I attempt to follow in
my biblical study and reflection is; the Gospel should surprize you every time
you encounter it—either reading it yourself or hearing it proclaimed. I first heard this approach to engaging the
Gospel from Fr. Bill Cliff, the chaplain at Huron College. It is one that can be challenging but can be
very rewarding. The idea is to approach
the bible with fresh eyes and let it speak to you anew each time—to make it the
living word of God and not just an old, old story which does not speak to you.
Given that
approach, how can we make this old, old story of the resurrection of Jesus
Christ surprizing to us? I heard an
interview on CBC radio a few weeks ago that I believe may be of help exploring some
surprizing aspects of the Resurrection story.
The person being
interviewed spoke about how his son was completely enthralled by a video of the
movie Pinocchio. His son was five years
old and he must have watched it fifty times. Now this is not terribly
surprizing as any parent knows the experience of having to read a story to
their child innumerable times and God forbid you try to skip any part of
it. The surprizing thing in this account
was that the child was terrified by the part of the story where Pinocchio was
swallowed by the whale. As I recall. the
Disney version of the story—which is the one the boy watched—it is easy to see
how a young child could be scared by it.
The father, who is a professor of psychology, noted that his son was
compelled to watch it despite being scared because the story was one which was
archetypal in its structure and meaning.
It held meaning which resonated with his son on a very deep level.
I believe that this
is in large part what brings us back each year to travel the journey of our
Lord and Saviour from his journey to Jerusalem, to his triumphal entry that we
celebrated last Sunday, to his agony in the Garden of Gethsemane and the
passion of Good Friday, and now the triumph of the glorious resurrection that
we celebrate today. In this we have an
eternal truth that resonates with us on a deep level. We know that our Redeemer lives; the power of
death has been defeated.
What then is the
deep truth that compels us to hear the story and journey with our Saviour each
year? Again, let us turn to that story
of Pinocchio. To remind you this story
is an account of an animated puppet, a puppet that is alive but is still a wooden
puppet, and his journey to become a real boy.
This is the key to the surprize in today’s Gospel and for us in the
Easter story. The surprise is that Jesus
has shown us what it means to be real people just as Pinocchio learned how to
be a real boy. Jesus revealed to us what
it means to be fully human. We have been
journeying with Jesus in this Easter journey.
This is an introduction to becoming truly human. To do that we must do as Jesus commanded and
pick up our crosses and follow him. This
is not an easy journey that Jesus showed us.
It led him to the cross. However,
if we are to become the people that God intended us to be when God created us
we must pick up our cross and follow him.
How can we possibly
do that? Does it mean that we are all to be crucified as Christ was? I believe that in symbolic ways we are called
to that. Again the key is contained in
the story of Pinocchio. Pinocchio was
faced with the reality that when he told a lie—when he did not live the truth
of who he was it was evident to all who had eyes to see. His nose grew longer with every lie he
told. As followers of Jesus Christ our
risen saviour we are called to live the truth just as Jesus lived out the truth
of who he was.
We are called above
all not to lie to others but more importantly to ourselves. If we tell ourselves that it does not matter
how we treat others—that is a lie. If we
tell ourselves that it doesn’t matter if we cheat on our taxes—as long as we
don̓ t get caught—that
is a lie. If we tell ourselves that I am
not my brother’s keeper—that is a lie.
If we tell ourselves that the there is nothing I can do to help someone
in need—that is a lie. If we tell
ourselves that it doesn’t matter that we don’t pray and read scripture
that is a lie.

If we live the
truth of Christ in our lives we will become fully human well will become a real
person as Pinocchio became a real boy.
We will know more fully the love of Christ in our lives. We will know, truly know, that the power of
sin and death has been defeated and we will live our lives free from that fear
of death, the death of a thousand lies which holds us captive in its
thrall. That is the surprise and the wonder
of Easter. Jesus Christ is risen today;
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